The Dufflebag - A Traveler's Best Friend

I’ve always been pretty OCD when it comes to packing. I will meticulously roll up my shirts until they are almost perfectly shaped cylinders. I generally make sure each type of clothing has it’s own section within my bag. Now, that wasn’t always easy when we were gone for six weeks at a time. I would even have to check a bag at the airport and that’s just silly. On most occasions I had overpacked, allowing myself plenty of options for day wear and show wear, and most always would end up donning about half of what I packed. Of course it’s nice to have options, especially when laundry days are few and far between, but I eventually realized that I needed to minimize to maximize. I’m not sure if that even makes sense.
About 7-8 years ago, I decided to try and pack lighter and only take a carry-on bag with me to the airport. At first, packing was a little tricky. I had to figure out the best way to fit weeks worth of clothes inside a carry-on size dufflebag. I slimmed down my options a bit and decided to let my shirts touch my underwear inside the bag. After wincing for a few moments, I sucked it up and pressed on. Turns out I was able to fit everything inside this small but flexible bag, while maintaining relative order amongst my intimates. This really was gonna make traveling a whole lot better.
No more checking a bag at the airport ticket counter. No more waiting at baggage claim until the very last bag comes out through those weird plastic curtain strips, hoping that it’s finally mine. No more losing my checked luggage (which happened several times) and not having available clothes for a few days. No more chains holding me down, just freedom. The freedom of walking straight to the security line, straight onto the airplane, and never looking back. The freedom of not overpacking and thinking I need more than I actually do. The freedom to carry a small dufflebag with just what I need inside. Travel light. Travel right.
Simple–Done Well.